Susanne Culiner
Kællingebyvejen 13
3720 Aakirkeby
Tlf. (+45) 5626 6666 / 2176 7366
Susanne Culiner
- Adresse:
- Lokalitet:
Aakirkeby 3720
Kællingebyvejen 13
3720 Aakirkeby
Tlf. (+45) 5626 6666 / 2176 7366
Aakirkeby 3720
Artist statement
Briefly stated, my “obsession” is with form, something which can be traced back to my days as a goldsmith. I am completely taken up with the three-dimensional sculptural integrity of the things I make. I demand of my work that it satisfy the aesthetic criteria I have set for myself when seen from every possible viewing angle. It is not sufficient that what I create be pleasing to the eye when appreciated from one particular side alone. It must possess a morphological dynamism that only reveals itself fully as it slowly revolves, all its contours and surfaces flowing and interreacting in a harmonious continuum throughout the entire revolution of the object. It is the interplay of all the inhering aspects - space (both internal and external), shape, light and shadow – under the impact of movement that totally preoccupies my attention as I work my way through an aesthetic problem.